ICW Director Michael Randazzo’s Remarks at NYC Aquatics Symposium
Michael Randazzo, ICW director, opened the NYC Aquatics Symposium with remarks about the event and his connection to swimming and Magnus Mukoro, a beloved Fort Greene youth coach.

Comments by Sheridan Jack-Browne Mukoro at NYC Aquatics Symposium
At the recent NYC Aquatics Symposium in Downtown Brooklyn, Sheridan Jack-Browne Mukoro, director of the Magnus Mukoro Foundation, described her grief at the accidental drowning of her husband, Magnus.

Brooklyn Lifeguard Factory is NYC Parks—And They’re Open for Business
As the New York Times reports, our city needs more lifeguards. The fastest way to do this? Have eligible high school students to test for the NYC Parks’ Lifeguard Academy—and those tests are happening this week across the city.